Break the eggs Reuse deffective mirrors

Design making

“Break the egg” project explored aesthetics and manufacutring methods for plasters.


CNC moulding




Plaster moulding attempt 1

01.   Posit the two moulds                           appropriately.
02.  Modify plaster.
03.  Stir
04.  Pour plaster into the mould.
05.  Put mould together.
06.  Apply a consistent pressure.
07.  Take out the plaster after 2              days.
08. Eggs broken.


Plaster moulding attempt 2

Posit the two moulds appropriately to mak sure that gaps between the two moulds is even.
  1. Make marks.
  2. Apply Vaseline to surfaces of the two moulds.
  3. Pour plaster into the mould.
  4. Apply Vaseline to surfaces of the two moulds.
  5. We can add colors into the plaster to beautify the eggs.
06.    Put the smaller mould inside              and apply a consistent                           pressure until the smaller
            mould stays on its position.
07.    Take out the plaster.
08.   Other colors


  1. Put mirror in the egg.
  2. Prepare plaster with same color.
  3. Applied them to fill the gaps
           sure that gaps between the              two half eggs
04.    Sand extra plaster.
05.    Finished.
06.    Other colors.
ApperanceBreak the eggs

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